Whole College Events
At Lourdes Hill College the Tradition of Bene Servire (to serve well) is lived out through whole-of-College events such as Project Compassion, the Vinnies Winter and Christmas Appeals, House Ministries (with each House supporting one of the Ministries of the Sisters) and other initiatives such as the annual Middle School Social Justice Project.
Service Groups
Our service groups provide an additional avenue for students to be of service to their neighbour. Service groups are open to all students in Years 7-12 and meetings are conducted at lunchtime.
- Benenson Society – Human Rights Group
- HOPe - Hospitality Outreach Program
- L’Arche – Community help for people living with intellectual disabilities
- Mind Over Matter – Mental Health Awareness Group
- SPARC – Students Protecting and Restoring Creation
- STAR – Santa Teresa and Reconciliation Group
- St Vincent de Paul – Charity support
Immersions offer students an intensive experience of service and an opportunity to see their world through new eyes. By travelling to communities, both within Australia and overseas, our students have the opportunity to step outside their comfort zones and experience ways of thinking and being, different from their own way of life.
An immersion experience can have a lasting positive impact on students. The generosity of the host communities in sharing their challenges can lead to students wanting to make a difference for others throughout their lives. These experiences can also positively impact the host communities, as needs are exposed and students can respond with justice in the short term and then in their lives beyond school.
The aim of the Outreach Program is to give students in Years 10-12 an opportunity to actively live out the Good Samaritan Benedictine tradition of community, compassion, effective listening and moral stability.
We have eight programs which fall under the Outreach umbrella. Five programs focus on those experiencing homelessness and three programs focus on community outreach.
Outreach organisations that LHC are involved with:
- Rosies Street Van
- Community Meal
- Meals on Wheels - Letter Box Drop
- Eat Up Sandwich Making
- Coffee Brigade Sandwich Making
- Regis Aged Care
- Salvation Army Sunday Roast
- Sarah’s