Senior School Success Program

Year 11 and 12 students participate in the ‘Senior Schooling Success (Triple S)’ Program.

Triple S empowers our students to make effective learning and assessment decisions, inspiring each to achieve success in their academic studies.

Based on contemporary research on how female secondary students successfully approach learning and assessment, Triple S exposes students to a range of learning activities and experiences to help students develop into successful, confident learners.

Over the two-year program, students will:

  • Have dedicated sessions with their Triple S Mentor, discussing specific and measurable academic goals to achieve.
  • Explore and practice a range of helpful study techniques.
  • Have dedicated one-to-one ATAR/Non-ATAR Mentoring meetings to discuss academic performance predictions.
  • Engage in post-schooling pathway workshops presented by our Careers Counsellor and invited external guest speakers.
  • Participate in seminars designed to provide up to date QCAA and QTAC information which are presented by the Dean of Curriculum and Director of Learning and Teaching
  • Be inspired by alumni student presentations, designed to motivate, and encourage students to embrace their academic focus and unlock their potential.
  • Be provided with tutorial opportunities where they can engage in unpacking subject matter questions, facilitated by expert teachers.

Triple S ensures that each student is equipped to successfully transition to their desired future pathway beyond Lourdes Hill College.