Senior School Student Wellbeing

In the Senior School we embrace the values of compassion, connection, and hope; developing the leadership skills of our students and their passion to make the world a better place. Our senior students lead their own project ‘Space to be Themselves’, which promotes acceptance and understanding of the strengths, interests and gifts of all in our community.

Student voice is encouraged through our pastoral and leadership programs, including Home Group, House Councils, Student Council and service groups. Through our House, Home Group, Wellbeing curriculum, Senior Schooling Success, Academic and Cocurricular programs, students are nurtured and guided to be their best selves and reach their goals.

Our wellbeing curriculum program is designed specifically to encourage students to develop the knowledge and skills required to make healthy, life-giving choices both at school and in life beyond Lourdes Hill College.

The Senior School wellbeing program includes:

Year 10 - MindFit - Unleashing personal potential, brain development, grit, wellbeing and managing stress.

Year 11 - Leadership - Courageous and collaborative leadership and Women as Leaders.

Year 12 - Futures - Positivity, helpful thinking, and transition to post-school life.

Over and above these sessions students also enjoy a range of engaging guest speakers who cover topics appropriate to the developmental stage of the year levels including, positive self-image, being responsible digital citizens and leadership.