Faith in Action


At Lourdes Hill College the tradition of Bene Servire (to serve well) is lived out through whole-of-College events such as Project Compassion, the Vinnies Winter and Christmas Appeals, House Ministries, with each House supporting one of the Ministries of the Good Samaritan Sisters and other initiatives such as the annual Middle School Social Justice Project. Our service groups provide an additional avenue for students to be of service to their neighbour.


Immersions give students the opportunity to step outside of their comfort zone and experience ways of thinking and being which are different from their own conventional way of life. Immersions can have a lasting and positive impact on students. Immersions can also positively impact host communities. At LHC, the vision for immersion is grounded in the mission and vision of the Sisters of the Good Samaritan and as such the Parable of the Good Samaritan is the narrative that guides our immersion experiences.